Is A Career In Direct Selling For Me?
In this blog I’ll explore some of the positives about direct selling and debunk some of the myths about the industry. What Is Direct Selling About? Direct selling isn’t simply about selling. It’s a community, a coming together of like-minded people, working together to achieve personal and collective goals. I haven’t always worked in direct […]

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In this blog I’ll explore some of the positives about direct selling and debunk some of the myths about the industry.

What Is Direct Selling About?

Direct selling isn’t simply about selling. It’s a community, a coming together of like-minded people, working together to achieve personal and collective goals.

I haven’t always worked in direct selling – if you’ve read my earlier blogs, you’ll know that I started out in the travel industry, working for a well-known tour operator, with an amazing group of people, many of whom I’m happy to still be able to call my friends today.

When reflecting with friends from those days, what we always talk about is the people. How well everyone got on, how everyone supported one another and how we worked together as a team (although there was an element of competition when a promotion was up for grabs ��).

Fast-forward into my direct-selling career and I would say that the people are what I love most about this business. We definitely take ‘we rise by lifting others’ and work it to the max. If something is working for us, we SHARE. If we’ve created something, we SHARE that too. We celebrate one another’s successes and encourage people on the road to success.

Who Is Direct Selling For?

So, if you’re a people person, you might just find that you love this industry.

Through this business, I’ve seen people develop massively in a personal sense, whether that be with improving self-confidence, reducing anxiety, or discovering skills they didn’t know they had.

But let’s say it as it is. To succeed in direct selling, in fact in any business, you need to be self- motivated. If you need someone to drag you out of bed in the morning, it’s potentially not the business for you (though, having said that, I’ve known some people build successful businesses working FROM their beds).

Lots of training and support are provided and I always say that it’s important to engage with the training, then to put what you’ve learned into practise. Watching, nodding, and doing nothing doesn’t bring results. Watching, learning, and taking action does.

Is Direct Selling For Me?

So, if you’re self-motivated and want to make the most of opportunities that come your way, then you might find a happy home with a career in direct selling.

I often hear people say words to the effect of “it’s only people at the top in direct selling who earn lots of money”. Really, the same could be said of any business. The person working the till at the supermarket is unlikely to earn the same as the CEO. The difference here is that we can be our own CEOs! I’m going to leave that one right there.

If you’re ambitious, then you might like the potential of a career in direct sales. When I was made redundant from the travel industry, part of my sadness was that I would miss out on experiencing amazing places worldwide. Just a few months into my journey with The Body Shop at Home, I saw people achieving a trip of a lifetime to Brazil. I wanted that! When I joined, I had no idea that worldwide travel would be an option within this business, but this gave me even more fire in my belly to succeed in a business I’d already decided that I loved.

Over the years I’ve been fortunate enough to achieve amazing trips to Thailand, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Mauritius, Bali, St. Lucia, Barbados, Brazil, Paris, and Iceland (my favourite so far). Ah yes, but it’s only the people at the top who achieve those, I hear you cry. I didn’t start at the top – nobody does. Your journey in this industry can take you to the top… you create your own career path.

If you like incentives and recognition, then this could be for you.

What Other Benefits Are There To Direct Selling?

Did I mention free products? With The Body Shop at Home, you start with an amazing kit. Just $79/£49 for over $220/£220-worth of products then, on top of that, the chance to earn lots of free products IN ADDITION to your commission. Really, what’s not to love?

If you enjoy receiving free things, it’s worth a look…

One of the biggest objections I came across when I started, was that being self-employed apparently wouldn’t give me a secure income. On a personal level, having had our household income wiped out overnight by being made redundant from a secure job, this was a chance I was willing to take. Yes, it took hard work (but I’d worked hard in the ‘proper job’ I’d held too), but surpassing my previous annual income was an enormously proud moment indeed.

If you want to decide what you earn, and are willing to put the effort in, it’s worth a look.

Now I’m not saying that this opportunity is only available to parents, absolutely not, but speaking from my personal experience, working flexibly and being my own boss these past 13 years has meant that I’ve never had to stress about time off for assemblies, making time back if the kids have been poorly, or having to leave work early to take my grandmother to appointments. It’s given me the flexibility I’ve needed in my life and helped our household to run much more smoothly (right down to being able to pop the washing machine on during the day).

If family time and flexibility are important to you, this could be the industry for you.

Do You Want To Try Direct Selling?

If you’re thinking that The Body Shop at Home™ could be the perfect opportunity for you, simply select the link for your country…

If you’re thinking that The Body Shop at Home™ could be the perfect opportunity for you, simply select the link for your country…
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It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join a scheme. Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved. Actual earnings and sales vary from person to person depending on factors including seller’s personal skills and the time and effort put in.