Becoming Me

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Do you sometimes feel lost and not sure which direction you should take?

I’ve been there. In fact, I would say my process of ‘becoming me’ didn’t start until I was in my forties. Well, they do say that’s when life begins…

How It Used To Be…

Since completing our family and being made redundant, it seemed that life’s routine changed every month. Different demands on my time (that I wouldn’t change a bit), toddlers starting nursery, husband getting a part-time job, then changing hours… eldest starting school, nursery times changing, swimming, and dancing lessons kicking in, struggling to make ends meet… All this takes its toll over time.

My Epiphany…

I can actually pinpoint the first time I felt like I’d discovered ‘me’ again.

It was March 2013 and the end of 5 days spent in Phuket on my first incentive trip with The Body Shop at Home. For the first time in I don’t know how many years, I felt truly relaxed. I wasn’t mum, or breadwinner, or carer (sadly, my Nanna, who I spent several years caring for, had passed away 12 months previously), or taxi/chef/cleaner* (*delete as appropriate).

I was me. And, selfish as it sounds, in that moment, I was the only person in my world. Coincidentally, had my husband not driven away from the drop off point at the airport like Lewis Hamilton on a mission, I would have been straight back in that car. In reality, when I picked the kids up from school after arriving home their words were “Oh mummy, you’re back! Here’s my bag!”

The first photo shows me in that moment. It’s not the best photo of myself, but it invokes a memory of how I felt inside, and that’s what makes me smile every time I see it.

Getting Better…

And I can pinpoint the second time I felt I’d discovered myself, around 12 months later, in Singapore.

I’d taken the decision to go off exploring on my own. No plan, no agenda, just to see where my feet took me, and a map. I stumbled upon a water taxi and took a little trip to see the city from the water before wandering the streets at leisure. Again, looking at this photo makes me smile at the memory of how content I felt. Happy in my own skin and with my family complete. Settled in my life.

Looking back now, I suppose we would call these moments self-care.

Whilst they happened 12 months apart, they were, quite literally, the only things I had done just for myself in that period of time. I used to feel guilty taking time away from my role as mum and felt an enormous amount of pressure to earn extra income.

How It Is Now…

I’m not saying that I wouldn’t have had moments like this without The Body Shop at Home in my life but, on top of the confidence I have gained through working in direct sales, the personal development journey I’ve been on, the amazing friendships I have forged over the years and the financial security it has brought for us as a family, and our futures, I am truly thankful to have discovered this business as a route to rediscovering me. A new me. Different to before. Happier, more confident, more in tune with myself, more balanced, calmer, more settled, more secure. Just me.

Does This Sound Like Something You Need?

To find out more about becoming a Consultant with The Body Shop at Home, please drop me an email.

Or if you’re keen to get started please register as a Consultant with The Body Shop at Home USA or register as a Consultant with The Body Shop at Home UK.

Would you like to connect on social media, to keep up to date with all my news and hints and tips? I’m on on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.